Does it hurt to get a tattoo - all about the individual pain threshold, what is a pain map, the most common places to apply

Fear is inherent in human nature. Before making the decision to get a tattoo, many people are subjected to the agony of choice. It is not only the pain that can occur during the procedure that is frightening, but also the fear of a new experience. This article will tell the whole truth about the pain to expect from the tattoo procedure.

Beauty requires sacrifice, but what kind of sacrifice? Often, when going for a new experience, people do not know what to expect from the unknown. The tattoo procedure is accompanied by a certain amount of pain. The strength of the pain depends on the client's personal pain threshold and is individual to each person.

To know your level of pain, you need to go through the experience at least once. As a rule, during the procedure, the masters use painkillers. But let's face it - piercing the skin with needles cannot go unnoticed by the human body. There will be pain, but its intensity depends directly on the human body. And this is a completely different issue.

A tattoo is a great way to tell others about yourself. Over time, the pain will be forgotten, leaving only a beautiful message to the world. You do not have to be a black house musician to show your originality in this way.

Sensation of pain during the tattoo procedure

The perception of pain is individual for every person. Also it is necessary to take into account client's personal psychological state before the procedure and individual body features.

The sensitivity of areas on the body can vary from person to person. But there are general guidelines to rely on when deciding in favor of this procedure. For example, areas where there is a lot of fat and muscle are less painful than areas where there is thin skin and protruding bones.

It is a mistake to think that alcohol contributes to the dulling of pain. During alcohol intoxication increases the sensitivity of the entire body, in addition to the master has every right to refuse a client who came in such form for the procedure.

The presence of diseases also affects the severity of pain. This is explained by the fact that during the illness the pain receptors are in an excited state. It should be remembered that a reduced immunity will lead to long healing of wounds formed during the tattooing procedure.

What does the pain look like?

The sensation of pain during a tattooing session is different for each individual. But there are some of the most common common sensations people experience. They will allow you to present a complete picture of the pain range before your eyes.

  • The sensation of scratching on the body can occur during a master's treatment of one area for an extended period of time. It is as if someone is scratching the skin with a pen or pencil.
  • A stinging sensation occurs when the craftsman begins to draw small elements of a pattern on the skin. It seems as if a needle pierces the skin and causes a burning pain. Such sensations are common in areas with a thin layer of skin.
  • Painful vibration can occur in places where there is bone and a minimal amount of fat or muscle. This sensation cannot be called painful, but the unpleasantness of the procedure is guaranteed.
  • Background soreness will be present in any process. The body is able to cope with this pain. The first needle punctures may give you a feeling of sharp, unbearable pain, but this is more of a surprise. With each subsequent stab of the needle, the pain will subside until it is quite bearable. During the tattooing process, there will be a release of adrenaline in the body. It will contribute to the harmonization of pain stress.

Even a strong pain can be endured, the main thing is to want it.

The pain map of the human body

For both sexes, a painful sensation will be caused by the process of tattooing on the neck, head and inner side of the thighs. Also areas of the hands, knees, feet and ankles can boast sensitivity to pain.

For all the least painful will deliver the process of drawing in the shoulder and pre-shoulder areas, also favorable for the first tattoo on the buttocks and lower back.

The male body reacts most painfully on areas of the back, along the ribs, and on the back of the knees.The female body feels the most pain on the chest and along the spine.

Common Tattoo Places

Despite the probable pain, the most popular place for a tattoo is at the collarbone. Symbols and inscriptions will look great here. A beautiful collar on the clothing is able to highlight the sophistication of the tattoo and emphasize the overall taste of its owner.

The second most popular place is occupied by the wrists. A beautiful minimalist design of a tattoo on the arm with a calligraphy can dilute even the most boring image and add a special touch of exoticism.

The biceps and shoulder zone are notable for their low pain perception. The beginners in the art of tattooing can safely start with these zones, because the muscles and the fat frame can maximally reduce the pain syndrome of the procedure. Here is suitable almost any tattoo design, all possible variants of execution can be seen on the video on the Internet.

The neck is a winning place for the drawing. Beautiful to look at, quick to catch the eye, such a tattoo is able to emphasize individuality. In this place, the pain is not so strong that to fear much. It should be understood that the presence of a large number of nerve endings will still contribute to the appearance of permanent pain. But quality anesthesia will help to smooth out all the painful manifestations during the procedure.

The back is usually chosen by experienced amateurs, who prefer large works of art on the human body. The process of creating a drawing will take a certain amount of time, but it will be worth it. For beginners, this area will be a certain risk, because a large drawing will take a lot of resources and time, and along with this will require incredible stamina and a certain persistence.

The forearm is one of the most common areas among beginners. There is little or no pain in this area, as far as it goes. Tattooing here is relevant for both men and women. It can be done without anesthesia.

The most painful places on the body

A special threshold of sensitivity on the body differ places where there is no subcutaneous fat and muscle tissue, but there are bones. But this does not mean that doing tattoos in these places is extremely prohibited. This only means that you should be prepared for a tolerable pain, which will be smoothed by the experience of the master and the use of quality anesthetic.

There is bound to be blood, there is no need to be afraid of it, or you just need to be prepared for it. Choosing the place on the body for a tattoo for the first time, you should be guided by the pain map. On subsequent visits to the salon should rely on your experience and intuition.

Before visiting the salon must prepare mentally. It is not worth going for a procedure under the influence of emotions, without thinking and weighing everything up in advance. The choice of an experienced master will help to get rid of unnecessary pain and problems.

It is not necessary to forget about the general emotional background. The main thing is to have the right attitude to the procedure, and then the pain will not be felt so strongly. Appeal to a proven studio, with a license to perform tattooing, otherwise there is a risk of falling into the hands of unprofessionals, unskilled activities that can put the health of the client at risk.

Advice to read

For girls

For men
