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Photos and meaning of the tattoo cross ANKH

The symbol of the Egyptian key contains both masculine and feminine. The cross with a loop on the top is the embodiment of immortality. Egyptians read the hieroglyph as the word "life" and consider the symbol an attribute of higher powers. Egyptian Tattoo The ANKH was only allowed to be worn by royalty. The key is an amulet granting immortality.

Interesting! The ancient Egyptians inserted this amulet in the mouth of the Pharaoh after death, so that his life would be eternal.

In Christianity, the symbol or tattoo of the ANKH cross means "eternal life in Christ.". The meaning of the ANKH cross tattoo in this case is associated with an object similar to a key that opens the gates to heaven. American Indians worshipped the symbol, praying for the favor of higher powers. Esotericists believe that the sacred Egyptian key can open access to wisdom and knowledge.

ANKH Tattoo for Girls

The ANKH tattoo on a girl indicates the sternness of the character of the hostess. It is also a symbol of the transformation of material energy into mental energy.

On the other hand, such a tattoo is chosen by girls wishing to demonstrate their best sides: love, sincerity, ability to empathize. The meaning of the ANKH tattoo is that the owner of the picture informs the world that for her internal qualities of a person are more important, and the appearance is in second place.

Girls use the ANKH tattoo of the Egyptian cross as a talisman. He, as a unifying male and female, should protect family happiness, promote happy motherhood. Provide harmony in marriage in the domestic and sexual.

ANKH for guys

Men quite often choose the tattoo of the Egyptian cross. Everyone puts a different meaning in the symbol. Almost always they are positive. The owner of the tattoo wants to free himself from inhibitions, seeks to explore the world, not conforming to stereotypes.

Others want to learn the unknown. To become the owner of the secret knowledge. Such a tattoo is often found in esoterics and occult personalities. Family men pin additional hopes on the tattoo. They consider it a talisman that can protect a prosperous family life.

Remember! The symbol ANKH can be applied to the body only to morally stable people. Tattoo can promote the emergence of super abilities, the phenomenon of vivid dreams and unusual visions. For the weak psyche, such influence can be fatal.

Places to apply the tattoo

Use an Egyptian symbol with great care. He can become not only a talisman, but also take away into other worlds, the journey to which may be beyond the power of the psyche.

Also, you should choose the ANKH tattoo sketches carefully. It is better to consult with a specialist. Otherwise it is possible to inadvertently prick the option associated with death.

Any variant of the Egyptian cross tattoo can be placed only on the right side. The color scheme is preferably black and white. Small ANKH tattoos will be appropriate on the hand, namely on the wrist, back of the palm, finger, neck. Large drawings will look organic on the shoulder, the other side of the chest, the shoulder blade.


Tips to learn more

For girls

For men
