Tattoo numbers - meaning, tattoo designs, date of birth or other Roman numeral inscriptions, where to score, photos

Did you know that many people pay attention to the numbers? Numbers accompany us all our lives, starting with our date of birth. The importance and magic of numbers, some prefer to reflect in a tattoo, but what significance do they carry?

The use of numbers in tattoo art is as old as the world itself. And many thinkers, orators and sages of antiquity have left many sayings about numbers. Many are convinced that numbers have a mystical, magical and sacred meaning for each person.

The study of numbers and numbers has become an entire science that is comprehended and studied. In the art of tattooing the use of numbers is always relevant, only the variations of execution change. What kinds of numbers are there, and what significance do they carry in a person's life?

Numerology in the world of tattoos

Numerologists know better than anyone the importance and significance of numbers in our lives. On this basis, many prefer to apply tattoos in the form of numbers that bring good luck, or have a connection with an important date or event.

The "magic" of numbers: the meaning and features of digital tattoos

Digital tattoos consist of the usual numbers familiar to all of us, but have types:

  • An inscription in the form of a date. Starting from the date of birth or ending with the date of the wedding, everyone can have a significant date, which becomes a personal drawing that will become a timeless reminder.
  • The numbers are "singles". Often they are applied after calculating a "lucky" number with the help of numerologists. The owners of this type of a digital tattoo, we can say, truly believe in the magic of numbers.
  • A set of numbers. Meets seldom and often carries individual meaning.

And now more about the numbers themselves. They also have types, and the tattoo can be performed using the original font. Types of digital tattoos in the form of body art can be represented by both Arabic and Roman numerals.

Of course, Roman numerals look the most spectacular and are often used to apply full dates, for example, birthdates. If you have chosen Roman numerals for a tattoo, you should take care to write them correctly and without mistakes.

Numbers of good luck and bad luck: the meaning of numbers

Those who are particularly attached to numbers know that some numbers promise good luck and some, on the contrary, bring misfortune. It is also related to superstition, remember even "three sixes" or "three nines. The number "six" and "nine" is avoided by many people, but the number "seven" is loved by almost everyone.

The number "seven" has long been considered the number of good luck, and most people do. In addition, a separate common number popular in the application of digital Tattoos is the number "13".. Despite the mystique and mystery, superstition and prejudice, many people are owners of this digital tattoo.

Let's look at the meaning and other numbers:

  • One. Is a kind of talisman for achieving advancement and success in business and career.
  • Two. Symbolizes communicativeness and helps build relationships with others. Ideal for shy people.
  • Three symbolizes creativity and is excellent for people in creative professions.
  • Four. Symbol of confidence and stability. However, in some countries, the number "four" bodes ill fortune and is not even used.
  • Eight. The number that symbolizes wealth. However, it is worth recalling that the eight also represents the sign of infinity.

Regardless of which number you like best, take care to get a better understanding of its meaning.

The Clock tattoo: a complete set of numbers and the circle of life.

The tattoo in the form of a clock is especially popular, especially among men.

The clock can carry the meaning of the full cycle of life and every day lived, the clock is compared to the transience of time, and that we must be able to appreciate every moment. In this case, the picture in the form of a clock can be a great digital symbol, having a complete collection of numbers.

The meaning of numbers in the form of a tattoo for guys and girls

It is impossible to assert significant differences in the meaning of digital tattoos for girls and guys, numbers can be found as a body art for girls. It's simple, the fairer sex is more receptive to various events and dates, emotionally attached, as well as they are more easily given the belief in magic, otherworldly power and the sacred meaning of numbers.

However, men, too, often find tattoos in the form of numbers. This can be the date of birth, or the popular number "13". Many, without prejudice and being non-superstitious use "three sixes" as a tattoo.

The tattoo in the form of a number will be an excellent example of the preservation of memories, becoming a "living" and eternal "photo of memory" on your body.

The choice of the sketch and the master

Applying a drawing with a number is under the power of any master, even a beginner. To a greater extent, it depends on you what will be your digital tattoo. There are a lot of photos and information about digital tattoos on the Internet, but when developing a sketch you must choose the type of numbers, font and place of application.

The master, of course, will prompt and give you the necessary recommendations. In addition, there are many different ready-made sketches on the expanses of the Internet, with which you can come to the master.

When choosing a certain number, based on numerology, you should not do the calculations by yourself. If you want to have a drawing on your body in the form of a number that will represent a certain value for you, it is worth to turn to a professional numerologist, who will be able to correctly calculate and determine the number that is suitable for you. Otherwise, who knows, you may affect your destiny in a bad way.

Digital tattoos do not decrease in popularity, numbers and various combinations of numbers are still actively used and in the most various variations. The relevance of such a tattoo speaks for itself. The numbers can be used in conjunction with barcode tattoo - Quite a popular tattoo nowadays.

Choosing "your" number or a number, the main thing is to invest in it an optimistic mood, and any number is sure to bring you good luck, always and everywhere!

Photo ideas of tattoos with numbers

Tips for you to read

For girls

For men
