Tattoo of the phoenix - symbolism, meaning for girls and men, the place of application (on the arm, back, thigh, leg), spectacular sketches and photos

Tattoo with the image of the legendary bird Phoenix shows the inner qualities of its owner, but has a hidden meaning depending on the place of application and size, gender status.

Among the most beautiful and popular tattoos is the Phoenix tattoo. The beauty of the fiery bird is mesmerizing, and the depth of mystical meaning of the fabulous image stimulates to decorate themselves with a natal drawing.

Before going to the salon, it is worth getting to know the legend of the mythical hero, to learn about the meaning of the image.

Who are you, the Phoenix bird?

The image can be called a "veteran" of body painting, because in the mythological chronicles of many peoples there is this character. Ancient Egyptian, Muslim and Chinese mythologies mention the unusual bird, which symbolizes the fire of the sun, and in Slavic culture the prototype of the fiery rebirth was Zhar-Ptitsa.

The meanings of the phoenix in different cultures are strikingly similar:

  • for Christians it is a symbol of eternal life, an association with the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • The ancient Egyptians had a person with a fiery drawing who received the energetic protection of the sun;
  • for the Chinese, it is a sign of female energy and beauty, bringing good luck, endowing with wisdom.

In the time of the Roman Empire, the image of the Phoenix bird was used by Roman legionnaires to decorate their bodies in order to gain victory over their enemies. The embossing on coins and coats of arms heralded the immortality of the Roman state. According to Jewish tradition, the miracle of the rebirth of the phoenix is the reward for refusing to eat the forbidden fruit from the Garden of Eden.

What messages the tattoo hides

Over time, the popularity of fiery drawings with the heroine of the myths subsided, only to revive with renewed vigor after the release of the film epic about the adventures of Harry Potter. For modern fans of the tattoo, the secret meaning of the image is precisely in the cyclic nature of life and its uninterrupted rebirth.

Deeply symbolic body art is chosen by men and girls who support the theory of reincarnation, the immortality of the soul.

For modern tattoo lovers, the sketch of a bird in flight well manifests their desire for a free and vibrant life, freethinking. Fire tattoo is a business card of goal-oriented people, adherents of an active life stance.

Phoenix feather tattoo has the same meaning as the application of the full image. There are many variants of sketches - with folded or unfolded wings, in the active phase of life or just born again.

To decipher a secret message on the body, one should pay attention to the surroundings of the symbol of immortality. For example, a bird flying toward the sun can mean the aspiration of the soul to God, and the Phoenix surrounded by fire - a return to the origins of the origin of life.

In addition, the image can be considered a symbol of irrepressibility, hot temperament and zeal. The hidden meaning of the tattoo - its bearer proclaims himself a winner, worthy to come out of a difficult situation in life. Masters of tattooing claim that the meaning of the figure does not change depending on the gender of the wearer.

Looking at the photos, you can be convinced that the colored and monochrome tattoos look equally admirable on both the male and female body.

Stylistics of the trend

Among those who are fond of body painting, the most popular are surrealistic tattoos, drawings in the Oriental style. In the photo you can notice that the Phoenix sketches of the latter style reflect well the traditions of Asian painting. No less in demand is the direction of black and grey, combining the magic of black and gray hue.

The meaning of the Phoenix tattoo for girls

Fans of the mystical image give preference to the Phoenix watercolor, the brightness of images of this type imitates watercolor painting, made with a brush. The beauty of the female tattoo symbolizes love, loyalty and fidelity. Complementing the composition with the image of a dragon can be called a manifestation of the interaction between masculinity and femininity ("Yin and Yang").

For young and unmarried girls, a large Phoenix on the body is a pledge of finding love and happiness.

If a tattoo is made under the influence of a fairy tale about a dying Phoenix, the body painting acquires a completely different meaning. The death of the bird denotes parental love, saving the life of the only chick.

The different variations of the fairy tale heroine on a woman's skin, regardless of the locations - forearm, thigh, shin - look wonderful on the photo. From the side tattoo from the chest to the buttocks it is impossible to tear your eyes away.

The meaning of the fiery beastie for men

Despite the universal ideas in the absence of sexual restrictions, the male tattoo shows the fiery temperament of its owner. Salon regulars have a very different monochrome options in price. The stronger sex chooses:

  • Linear linework graphics;
  • The coarseness of black tribal patterns;
  • The rebellious style of thrash polka dots.

The ideas for men's designs have changed over time. The tattoo of the Egyptian priests was replaced by the Roman symbolism, and the main meaning of the fire bird - purification by fire from vices and passions through high patience. For men are characterized by the boldness of the decision when choosing the location of the tattoo.

The scale of the pictures, printed on the back or chest, which can be seen in the photo, is striking. No less often fans of the Phoenix mystery decorate the area of the left forearm with his image, much less often the tattoo can be seen on the leg.

Meaning of tattoo sizes

Miniature tattoos are chosen by those who do not like to flaunt personal qualities. A geometric style is often used for the image of a small-sized bird. Especially monumental looks a large panel with the Phoenix on the back, which denotes the victory of life over death, the beginning of a new turn with the rejection of old values.

According to esotericists, printed on the body image of the feather immortal Firebird protects the host from the evil eye or spoilage, and other dangers of witchcraft. The pledge of help tattoo - a belief in the power of magical amulet, then he just help, no matter whose back is decorated - female or male.

The visitor of the salon gets a good opportunity to choose - to order the image of the Phoenix according to his own drawing with the hidden secret meaning of the tattoo. If you want, you can choose your favorite version of the sacred image from the most popular sketches offered by the master.

Photo ideas of tattoos with a phoenix

Tips to read

For girls

For men
