Tattoo of Chania - interpretation of the demon (mask), meaning for men, interesting sketches, photos and video ideas

Fans of tattoos often prefer images of hanya - a demon protector. Creepy and repulsive, at first glance, unkind warrior - actually brings good luck and wisdom. But the demon's meaning is twofold, and can also be interpreted as negative.

What is "hanya

In Eastern culture, the image of hanya (or hannya) is a protector from evil forces, an avenger of wrongs, a wise guardian of justice, as well as a cunning demon. His face combines otherworldly power and strength, as well as all-consuming passion and even regret for what he has done. The hanja tattoo is a frequent visitor on the skin of an Oriental man, now they are popular all over the world.

This portrait is difficult to forget, it always attracts the attention of others. Tattoo hanyas have been imposed since ancient times in Japan, where the tradition of worshipping spirits came from. For the Japanese, demons are not at all negative characters. They often helped the heroes of Japanese legends and fairy tales, bailed out entire cities and peoples in distress. If there was ever an evil demon, he was stupid and got into trouble.

The original source of this image was the Tibetan guardian-protector, the wise and caring Khanya, who wore a snake mask. The hanyas are warlike spirits with a protective function. The hanyas were tattooed as amulets, similar to the guardian angels in the West.

In stores, temples or engravings, you can often see images of hanya in the form of a theatrical or decorative mask. It looks intimidating, angry, but if you look at it from a different angle, you can read the expression differently - as compassionate and regretful, even sobbing.

To achieve the effect, the master has to work hard and use all his talent. Therefore, the hanja is also a suffering soul, which will find peace when it has carried out its vengeance and found the wrongdoers.

The mystery of the image

The history of the mask is not an easy one. Once upon a time, a girl fell in love with a hermit monk, very passionately and without reciprocity. The monk continued his spiritual exercises and wanderings, and the girl became embittered, very angry in response to such disregard for her feelings.

The bitter resentment turned her into a powerful demon of vengeance. She caught up with the monk and scorched him with the fire of her breath. But after that, pain and regret befell her. Since then she has become a lonely demon who punishes insensitive and indifferent men, and sometimes you can hear her moans of lost love in the wind.

In Japanese culture it is very common for characters to have a double meaning. In this case, hanya serves as a reminder that love is one step away from hate, anger can kill love, and rage brings disappointment. A long life is needed for forgiveness and understanding, compassion and the search for wisdom.

There is another version that could also be the reason for choosing a hanja tattoo. It is said that such masks were made by a master named hanya-bo for ritual dances. It is a horned face with a toothy grin, and appears to be weeping when viewed from the side. Oddly enough, it is a feminine image, although it is difficult to call the ugly face feminine.

Sketches tattoo hanyas

Such a drawing is always remembered, because a demon with bull horns, fangs and a vicious smile up to the ears from the memory does not go away immediately. The sketch is always done in bright colors, where red and black, a little blue and yellow prevail.

The color scheme also has a semantic load in the hanja tattoo. The red color of a demon's face and body is a reflection of his aggression, passion, anger, resentment, and even rage. Black is a neutral color, and pale shades - a hint of calm, possessive side of love, the desire to be free from the shackles of passion and give freedom to the loved one, even his soul.

As a rule, the hanja tattoo clearly indicates the breath of a demon - this is also a sign of passion and immoderacy. There are variants of the sketch with a third eye, which emphasizes the otherworldly essence of the creature. The word "hania" means "wisdom," and the third eye is a hint of clairvoyance, a demonic origin. The demon sees farther than others, more and deeper.

Important meanings carry additional elements of the tattoo hanyas - these are sakura, bamboo, bells, snakes or dragons. They can shade the good sides of the protector, speak of the presence of beauty and fragility, even in the world of demons.

The symbolism of the hanja tattoo

Who chooses intimidating drawings?

  • It takes a lot of courage to apply a hanja tattoo - it is definitely purposeful and fearless nature. At the same time in the foreground - not the evil essence of the creature, the main thing - to be free from weakness on the way to the conceived. Such people are not discouraged, do not despair because of failure.
  • Since demons often drag sinners into hell and guard the gates, their portraits are put on their bodies to protect themselves from such a fate. A person wants to borrow the powers of a demonic being, especially the supernatural ones - incredible strength, intelligence, the ability to be reborn.
  • A hanja tattoo is a powerful amulet against death and injury, a protection against death in battle. Hanja protects both body and soul, also helps against attacks of jealousy, curbs feelings. Demon reminiscent of the consequences of mistakes and bad actions.
  • Perhaps a person wants to cope with his passions, to put up with love and inner aggression. Or perhaps he wants to cope with insecurity and self-doubt.
  • One must understand that the intimidating appearance in this case is not a method of attack, but the weaknesses of man, with which one wrestles. The gloomy creature serves as a reminder of the omnipotence of feelings and the inferior nature, which is important to overcome.

Look at a series of finished works in the photo and video, consult the salon about the sketch. A good master will answer all questions and apply a quality mask in the right context.

Photo ideas and examples of tattoo sketches with the demon Chania

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