Tattoo of a cross - a full description, meaning, location, sketches and photos

Tattoo in the form of a cross in many people causes an association with a religious current. However, there are many variants of the image of this symbol, as well as its designations. Therefore, it is necessary to do the tattoo in a meaningful way.

Images of crosses as a symbol originated much earlier than there was writing.

The meaning of

Since ancient times, the cross symbolized the balance of the world and combined the different opposites. In addition, he could mean the four corners of the world. This meaning to this day put in the tattoo of the cross. After the emergence of paganism the cross came to be perceived as a divine sign:

  • In Scandinavia the cross was associated with power and authority, because of its resemblance to Thor's weapon;
  • Bushmen regarded the cross for divine protection and assistance;
  • Native Americans related the cross to the Tree of Life. For the Aztecs it may have belonged to the supreme deity; some of these people still put this meaning in the tattoo of the cross;
  • The North American Indians saw the cross as a symbol of man;
  • Australians associated it with the goddess of the moon;
  • In China, the cross was seen as a ladder to heaven;
  • In Mexico it was customary to depict the cross in the divine hands, which were responsible for the elements of nature;
  • Slavs and Buddhists represented it as a swastika, symbolizing the energy of the sun. During the Second World War, such a sign belonged to the Nazis, until today in the minds of many people it is associated with fascism. But in fact it carries an ancient positive meaning;
  • In early Christianity, the tattoo of the cross signified self-sacrifice, humility with one's destiny;

The Romans used the cross as an instrument of punishment, on which people were crucified for any sins.


The meaning of the tattoo depends on the image of the cross itself. A tattoo with crosses is an idea for an image filled with deep meaning. Such a symbol can be made in almost any style and different executions.To have an idea of the differences, you need to read more about their types:

The sign belonging to Egypt is the Ankh, equipped with a loop on top. It is called the "key of life." It is believed that it symbolizes wisdom, rebirth and endless life, but it is still not clear the true meaning that was put into it in Ancient Egypt;

In European countries a cross similar to the Tau (the letter at the end of the alphabet) was common. That is why the Jews considered it a sign of the end of the world and the end of life. In honor of the founder of Christian monasticism, it was called the Anthony Cross. Similar symbols were depicted next to entrance doors to keep out the Angel of Death. Nowadays, the tattoo of the cross on the arm can also serve as a protective amulet;

Cross with equal branches called Greek, it symbolizes the god of natural elements and the celestial luminary. Now a similar cross in red has become a medical symbolism;

Celtic cross-shaped ornament, consists of an intertwining of knots and lines. This symbol means a way of life, the development of spiritual power, the mutual connection between man and the environment;

The Latin (Catholic) cross represents two crossed lines. Before the rise of Christianity, this symbol denoted the staff of Apollo. Tattoo of this kind in the neck area is considered a powerful amulet and for girls. Often men and women do such a tattoo in black;

The inverted Catholic symbol bears the name of St. Peter. Modern cinema has given it an anti-Christian meaning. However, it has nothing to do with Satanism. On the contrary, such a tattoo on the body of a person can mean renunciation of faith, violation of religious rules or the transition to the dark side. Occasionally such a sign is called the Andrew's cross. Because many people relate it to the dark forces. The position of this cross is not as in the traditional, and X-obrazny arrangement. Despite this, its origin has religious roots;

The Templars revered the cross with equal branches widened at the ends. It was also called the lobed cross and was directly related to the Crusaders.

Before making an image of the cross, one should carefully study its history and the meaning behind it.

Places to apply

The place for the tattoo each person determines himself. However, when deciding to get a tattoo on the arm, special attention is required, as this design is considered a powerful talisman.

The patronage of God protects the owner of the cross tattoo in the wrist area.

Those who prefer large-scale tattoos, choose to apply the back. Because the back area is large enough to give free rein to the imagination of the master together with the future owner of the tattoo. The tattoo can be performed as a crucifixion, or some biblical scene, for example, Christ, who is carrying a cross on Calvary Hill.

When applying the cross in the chest area, more often choose the left side, in the heart area. This tattoo signifies faith and worship of God.

Previously, the fingers of the hands were decorated with a cross only those who had served their sentence. The tattoo meant that the owner was in prison in St. Petersburg. The sign of the Ace of the Cross or St. Andrew's Cross defined a person as a thief, or signified the number of terms served. The tattoo could also speak of the memory of deceased loved ones.

There are many options for cross tattoos, most importantly, before you apply it to the body, you need to find a salon where you can see photos of sketches and a good master who will help make the right choice.

Photo ideas of tattoos with crosses

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