Tattoo Rat - a full description, sketches and meanings of tattoos for men and girls, funny photos

Since ancient times, the rat embodied a controversial image. For example, its image of Europeans meant destruction, anger, death, and the inhabitants of Asia considered rodents a sacred animal, a deity that brings good luck and wealth.

At this time, the rat tattoo continues to have multidimensional meaning, it can denote aggression and insidiousness, and can serve as a symbol of power, well-being and prosperity.


Rats are associated with various troubles: plague, shipwrecks, etc. Over time, the idea of any symbolism changes. Example:

  • In the Middle Ages, rats and mice were God's punishment for sins. Because rodents were eating and stealing food and belongings, they were carriers of disease.
  • On the African continent, it is believed that such animals can move freely between our real world and the netherworld, where the souls of people after their death dwell.
  • In Japanese mythology, there is the creature Nezumi. It is capable of transforming from a rat into a human, retaining a keen sense of smell, sharpness, instant reaction, and sagacity. In character, by contrast, the animal becomes meaner and more treacherous. It has no principles and nothing stops it from achieving its goal. At the same time, the white-colored animal is considered by the Japanese to be a symbol of success and good luck.
  • In India and China, they believe that such a tattoo gives its owner more attractiveness, charm, prudence and resourcefulness.

If we consider the habit of the animal to be the first to leave the place of impending danger, then we can be convinced that they have an incredible sense of smell, prudence and caution, but not cowardice. By the same fact is known that if the rat is cornered, it can beat the cat, and in some cases the dog.

In the meaning of the tattoos rodent symbolizes:

  • agility;
  • speed;
  • the ability to quickly navigate in any situation, making the right decisions;
  • strategic thinking;
  • foresight;
  • cunning;
  • wisdom.

If the vector image of the rat is supplemented with occult symbols, then it refers to some esoteric directions, or subcultures.

Among those condemned by the law, the rat tattoo is negative; more often than not, it means:

  • greed;
  • Cooperation with the administration of places of detention;
  • snitching;
  • Stealing from a close circle of people.

In general, this tattoo is undesirable if in the circle of acquaintances there are people who have served a sentence. In other cases, the image on the body of the animal is nothing more than an original picture.Often sketches decorate the body of people born in the year of the rat.

For girls

The qualities of rats such as: high fertility and endurance, cause association with a friendly, large and large family. Many girls do themselves a rat tattoo in order to attract maternal happiness, to find a reliable and loving partner.

Often tattoos are made with a beautiful white-haired rat with expressive eyes and a cute muzzle. Such an image is decorated with flowers, floral ornaments, which emphasize the softness and romance of the character.

Cheerful, cheerful girls decorate themselves with illustrations of rats from popular cartoons, with a funny and attractive appearance. Some of them represent perseverance, sincerity and love for their own cause.

For men.

The business essence of rats is reflected in the extraction and supply of sustenance, which represents wealth, prosperity, material well-being. Men engaged in business often get a rat tattoo as a talisman.

In the East, there is a perception that rats choose to live in wealthy homes. For this reason, they are believed to bring wealth by eradicating poverty. The cunning and agility of the animal for some businessmen becomes a model of behavior in the business field, so the owners of the tattoo with this animal more often distinguished by wit and diligence and find in everything a benefit.

Pictures with an aggressive rat prefer men who are prone to intrigue and know how to manage people. The malicious look and bloody teeth of the animal on the tattoo - mean vindictiveness and cunning. People with such a theme tattoo have an extensive intelligence, they achieve their goal by any means, ready to go on a deception, set-up, can torment others, and be happy from this, especially if it brings any benefit.

Choice of Place

The tattoo is done on any part of the body. If the tattoo is large, it is usually done on the back. Many for realism complement it with a background, shadows and other elements.Girls prefer a tattoo on the parts of the legs. Animals are depicted climbing up or down to the foot.

Small size drawing made on the hand, more often depicts any feelings, or a reminder of something important to the wearer. It can also relate to the symbols of the Chinese calendar.

Men often put the image on the shoulder, using different styles. More often guys choose larger and more detailed sketches of the rat. Girls, on the contrary, prefer some small and inconspicuous drawing. Small tattoos are often placed on the chest, shoulder blade, wrist, abdomen, and lower back. The more intimate the meaning, the more compact the size of the tattoo. Also girls choose a place for a nail in the buttocks and lower back.

Styles and sketches

It is possible to create a good sketch using the style of tribal. In this way, you can easily make a work of art out of an ordinary tattoo.

In order to choose a sketch that will reflect individuality and lose relevance, it is initially necessary to study photos with images of rats. On the basis of the photos will form an idea of the picture that will be flaunted on the body.

It is possible to download from the Internet and print out samples of tattoos to give them to the master of the tattoo salon. You can just show them on your gadget screen. The master, in turn, will make adjustments and advise how best to design the tattoo.

Depending on the style chosen, the picture can be detailed to a minimum or even display the small hairs of the coat.Choosing a tattoo you need to think carefully about every detail. The main thing is that the tattoo does not lose its meaning and relevance to the owner over time.

"Decorating the body with images of animals, for example, rats, has long been in fashion. However, to do the tattoo should be meaningful, initially familiarized with its symbolic meaning."

Photo ideas of tattoos with a rat

Advice to read

For girls

For men
