Tattoo of a leopard - meanings for girls and men, original sketches and photo examples

Tattoo with a leopard will provide an original decoration of the body. In this article we will consider such issues as who is better suited, on what part of the body it is more advantageous to apply, the value and much more!


The leopard is a majestic cat that got its name in the 18th century. Before that, it was called leontopardos. Currently, there are few individuals left on the planet, so the predator is listed in the Red Book and protected from complete extinction.

The animal is slightly smaller than a mature tiger or lion. But the leopard has the same rapid dash and is considered a great hunter. It stands out for its unique coloration - on the yellow fur is located black spots. However, the color may vary depending on the habitat of the animal.

Useful information: In ancient times, chiefs used to wear the animal's skin as a symbol of their power, because it was very valued in society. Now it is actually not possible. But the leopard tattoo is very popular.

The meaning of a tattoo with a leopard?

Who would not agree that the leopard is an amazing creature? It harmoniously combines agility, beauty and speed, which together provide the deadly qualities of a real predator. But fashionistas are primarily interested in the color of the beast. In the 21st century, a combination of its colors have become very popular.

The increased interest is explained by the value of the animal's skin. In Africa, there was a myth that a man who defeated a leopard on his own got a lot of land, because everyone respected his strength, speed, agility and considered him a special warrior. This may explain the reason for the widespread use of the animal's skin by various African tribal leaders.

Men and women alike appreciate the leopard tattoo. There are many variations of understanding of the tattoo with the beast on the human body:

  • Means power and majesty, embodies physical strength, sharp mind, proud character and a special position in society;
  • Speed suggests that the bearer is able to make quick, correct decisions. Does a good job;
  • Has a natural stateliness or beauty, soft and smooth gait;
  • Characterized by courage and bravery does not stop in front of obstacles, and overcomes them through assertiveness and unique qualities;
  • Usually this pattern is associated with loneliness and secrecy. His owner is in no hurry to open up to others, no one trusts, but stands out loyal qualities, if you fall in love, he will never leave;
  • Emphasizes the tendency to selfish attitude to the world around him, as the leopard is a predator and everything around him is a victim.

Women love this motif, as it allows to emphasize the playfulness and femininity of the character.

The leopard is endowed with a mythical status in the legends of many peoples.

This is due to its large mass and ferocity of the nature of a typical predator. Where is mentioned the special status of the leopard in the culture of ancient peoples:

  • The Egyptians believed that the animal was a friend of the god Osiris;
  • The Greeks believed that the animal helped the god Dionysus;
  • In Asia it is considered a symbol of fertility;
  • African tribes considered it a guide to the netherworld. That is why the leopard was a sacred animal.

Evidence of this status has been found on various rock carvings, figures, vessels and ancient sculptures. On the Internet there are a lot of photos made from the originals in different parts of the planet.

What kind of tattoos can be done thanks to the image of a leopard?

An interesting idea is considered the drawing of a leopard's head on one of the parts of the human body. This option is characterized by attractiveness, uniqueness and corresponds to fashion trends. But the special popularity of this type of body decoration is noted in the western part of the world.

There, this figure is endowed with a special perception and is exploited as a full-fledged talisman. Denotes independence and quick adaptation to any difficulties.

However, especially appreciated is the sketch based on the black color of the leopard. Its interpretation contains an expression of the aggressive nature of the bearer.

On a man's body is characterized by a special symbolism

In fact, it is a ready-made talisman. It is advantageous to put it on the calves, thighs, back. It symbolizes dominance, grace, confidence in own strength. Therefore, it is used by strong men, confident in the correctness of their decisions. However, a tattoo with a leopard reveals more qualities:

  • Means heroic nature;
  • Pride;
  • The desire for privacy;
  • Reliable protection for loved ones;
  • Courage in a time of need. Commitment to one's own opinion;
  • Cunning.

The bearer is distinguished by independence. He knows what he needs and how to achieve his goal. If the leopard is applied to the shoulder - it means that the man is a loner and does not trust anyone but himself.

What does the symbolism mean on a woman's body?

It emphasizes feminine grace and beauty of the figure, superiority over other girls, freedom and some presence of glamour. Representatives of the fair sex love the colored version of the tattoo with a leopard. The bright image demonstrates fertility and loyalty to one man.

If the tattoo is printed on the arm, then it can mean secrecy and the presence of a second life, about which even close people may not know.

It is considered the perfect way to express the boldness, independence of a strong woman. The tattoo is applied in such a way that it is enough to look at it and realize the essence of the bearer.

Photo ideas and examples of leopard tattoos

Advise to read

For girls

For men
