Maori tattoo - meanings, sketches for men and girls, places of application (on the arm, chest, as a sleeve), beautiful photo ideas

The tradition of the ancient Maori tribe gave rise to a new style of tattoo, which enjoys popularity. This article will tell you everything you need to know about Maori tattoos and the birth of the Polynesian style.

The Maori tribe is the progenitor of the modern Polynesian tattoo style. Once a people who once inhabited Eastern Polynesia, they now live on the islands of New Zealand. At this point there is probably no other people so closely associated with tattoos.

For the Maori tribe tattoos are very important, the absence of drawings on the body is considered a sin, and represents a person as ignorant of the Gods and cowardly. What is remarkable is that the Maori had tattoos of both men and women.


Maori equate tattoos to art, and their skill in applying drawings to the body - called "mocha". The tribesmen were convinced that body painting was something eternal that no one could ever take away from them.

The ancient Maori were not involved in drawing, but in scarring. Tattoos were carved on the body with chisels of bone. This is how drawings appeared on the faces and bodies of tribesmen of past centuries, the presence of such tattoos intimidated enemies.

It is noteworthy that many could die because of the wounds, through which the infection penetrated. In modern times, the Maori no longer use knives, operating with special Indian needles to draw on the body, which ensures a minimal risk of any complications after the tattoo.

The Maori chose places for tattoos with specific purposes, for them the human body had different levels where energy flows were located.

It is in the places of energy currents where drawings were applied in order to influence one's destiny, change the destiny, correct the character, ward off bad influences or bad habits, attract luck and so on. It is noteworthy that the application of tattoos in the tribe were engaged only priests.

Maori tattoos: types and meanings

In modern times, there are many tattoo designs in the Polynesian style, but not everyone dares to "find" a similar pattern on the body. Despite the fact.

That in the civilized world many people are far from various prejudices, Polynesian tattoos have a special meaning and bear a hidden meaning, which can affect not just on the aura, but also on the life of the person. Of course, there is another category of tattoo lovers: they just like the image.

Types and meaning of Polynesian tattoos

It is said that tattooing among the Maori was practiced by priests and for a reason, tattoos have a deep meaning and bind the man and the Deity. In the tattoo itself as if put a magical meaning.

Maori tattoos are classified into 4 groups:

  • Animals. In most cases the inhabitants of Polynesian islands served as the "sketch" for Maori tattoos. Many of them were considered totetes, that is, progenitors. Each animal in the Polynesian tattoo carries a special meaning.
  • Masks or "tiki". In ancient times, the image of masks was applied only by warriors. In modern society, it is available to everyone. Masks are considered a powerful amulet, which can protect from the evil eye or the pernicious influence of others.
  • Patterns and ornaments. Applied more to complement the main drawings, they are rarely applied as an independent figure.
  • Symbols of nature. For example, a picture of the sun can be a powerful amulet, able to give inner harmony.

These symbols have the certain sense, in aggregate if to create the generalized sketch of all kinds of Maori tattoos, it is possible to receive the incredibly powerful amulet in which work, really, believe and nowadays.

The magic of the Maori tattoo

It is noteworthy that the selected drawing of the Polynesian tattoo can often tell a lot about its owner. For example, the bearer of a drawing of a Polynesian tortoise on the body can be characterized as a person who has a need for patience and wisdom.

And having a body drawing allows him to believe that he will definitely gain that wisdom. Some claim that the very presence of a tattoo completely changes their inner feelings, allowing them to become spiritually happy.

For example, a girl with a Polynesian-style sun tattoo shared a story about how a 5-year-old tattoo gives her strength and fills her life with light. Besides, the girl noted that she became cheerful and always tries to please other people.

It's hard not to believe in magic of Maori tattoo, because the Polynesian style is completely saturated with ethnic spirit. Many masters of tattoo till now admire all sketches saved to our time and how much they are exact geometrically. Of course, in most cases Maori tattoos now do not look as intimidating as they used to.

Polynesian tattoos in modern society: pros or cons

There are quite a lot of fans of the Polynesian style. Perhaps not everyone would have dared to adorn their body with such a drawing in the past, however in modern times almost every tattoo owner, especially a man, would like to have a tattoo in the Maori style.

In many respects the Polynesian style is considered more suitable for men. Of course, girls do not interfere with this Maori tattoo, but sometimes on the fragile female body figure look really frightening. On the Internet you can find quite a few different photos, both men and women, proudly demonstrating their tattoos in the Polynesian style.

There are not a lot of good masters, able to qualitatively score tattoos in the Polynesian style. It is a painstaking work, which requires not only a lot of time, but also careful preparation of the sketch.

If you have decided to become the owner of a Polynesian drawing, think carefully about what you would like to change in your life with it.

Perhaps the magic of the Maori tattoo will work.

Photo ideas and examples of Maori tattoos

Tips to read

For girls

For men
