Tattoo lighthouse - sketches, tattoo meanings for men and girls, where to apply (on the arm, leg), inspiring photos

A lighthouse that shines in the darkness and saves sailors is a stunning image that is very popular in tattoo culture.

Lighthouses mean a lot to everyone associated with the sea and sailing. It is also a beautiful artistic image, which gave rise to a whole thematic direction in tattoo art. A lighthouse is a symbol of goodness and mutual assistance, a source of light in the darkness of doubts, a guide and savior. It is also a mystery and a mystery that can be seen far away on the horizon, beckoning with its beauty.

The history of the symbol

Lighthouse structures appeared before our era, on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea. They were erected by the Phoenicians and the ancient Greeks, who were actively exploring the surrounding coasts and venturing out into the open sea, exploring unknown lands. For convenience and safe navigation it was necessary to illuminate dangerous areas from the towers of fortresses or from high cliffs, from where signals were given.

But the first real lighthouse was established in the second century AD. The famous lighthouse in Alexandria did not actually serve a navigational function - it served as a monument. These designs then spread to various littoral states, including northern European territories.

There were lighthouses in Russia as well, but real professional lighthouse services appeared only after the development of a special system of lenses and light supply in the 19th century. Interestingly, an ancestor of writer Robert Lewis Stevenson, who was also prescribed to continue the dynasty, contributed greatly to the development of lighthouse work. But lighthouse work did not appeal to him, for which the future popular novelist was much criticized by his relatives.

The function of lighthouses was to orient seagoing vessels in space near the coast, to help them enter the harbor without devastating consequences.

As we know in marine science, the most dangerous for ships was just approaching the shore during storms and strong winds, rather than staying in the expanse of the sea. Often the saving flash of fire at the top of the lighthouse gave hope to desperate fishermen, lost travelers.

Who chooses a lighthouse tattoo

Stuffed with tattoos with lighthouses most often the following people:

  • sailors, yachtsmen, military men;
  • travelers and philosophers;
  • oddly enough - employees of lighthouse services, in some cases;
  • romantic, searching natures;
  • lovers of the unusual;
  • brave and sincere people willing to help;
  • believers;
  • artists and designers.

The idea of the lighthouse combines a desire to return - to shores, to family, to home. But it is also a belief in new opportunities, a way out of a crisis, the success of a project or a life concept. A belief in God or in his principles of goodness and love is often embodied in this form. In any case, the lighthouse tattoo is a new, better life that awaits the one who is on the way or strives to go back.

Variants of meanings of the lighthouse tattoo

It is important to pay attention to the color scheme and mood of the picture. It can be, a light, bright, sun-drenched landscape. A lighthouse indicates the right direction, it is a real salvation among the raging waves.

  • If the structure shines through the darkness, against the backdrop of clouds and windy weather, squalling sea waves - clearly one wants salvation from the frightening elements. This person wants to have a guiding star, to see hope in the midst of darkness.
  • Psychologically, a lighthouse could mean clarification of a situation, choice of path and understanding of events that happened at different times in life.
  • Sailors often stuffed a three-masted ship (it was considered a symbol of good luck) and a lighthouse on the horizon or nearby, on the shore. It was a figurative expression: "Away from the rocks!" Such a body talisman could protect from shipwreck, help to return to the family.
  • Interpretation of a lighthouse for a pair of lovers stands apart. Sometimes, the man stuffed himself with a ship and the woman - a lighthouse, which means support and connection, loyalty, faith in a joint future.

Male and female lighthouse tattoos

Originally, of course, such a tattoo was mainly worn by men who served in the Navy, sailed. The lighthouse protected them from trouble and unpleasantness, reminded them of returning home. For men, the symbolism of the lighthouse tattoo, in fact, did not change. The meaning of the drawing is light in a dark, hopeless time, faith in the future, romance. In this case, darker colors and gloomy, harsh subjects prevail.

Girls prefer lighter, cheerful colors. It all depends on the size of the lighthouse tattoo, because in a small sketch it is difficult to convey a large set of colors. Often such pictures are stuffed by girls who lived or were born near the sea. And in general, it is a hope to find a solution and an image of a bright future.

It happens that images are painted in a prominent area, but the meaning is not revealed by everyone. Distracted by the beauty of the picture, one wants to consider the details and inscriptions, and the true meaning escapes and remains behind the soul of the owner.

Image stylistics

Today masters in the salons can score a lighthouse tattoo in a variety of styles: old-school, new-school, traditional, minimalist, thrash-polka, even in graphics and realism.

Perhaps one of the most successful options can be called the direction of old-school. Here there is an abundance of shading, wide contours, richness of colors. Additions make the drawing individual and exclusive.

Place pictures of the lighthouse tattoo on the arms, shoulders, forearms, back, and if the sketch is oblong, then select the shin. Very well looks a lighthouse tattoo on the scapula.

We advise to look at different options on the photo and choose a salon that you like, based on the work of the masters of this studio.

Photo lighthouse tattoo ideas

Advised to read

For girls

For men
