Tattoo on the hand - tattoo designs for men and girls, options from hand to elbow, interesting photo ideas

This part of the human body is open to others. Always hide it under clothing is almost impossible. Therefore decide to put a tattoo on the hand brave, self-confident people, in some ways even desperate. Often this is also a challenge to society, an indicator of their worldview and adherence to a particular religion.

It is popular to put a tattoo on the hand in men and women. It is quite a painful process, which well confirms the opinion about the masculinity of women with tattoos on the hand. But there are also a number of reasons to reject the idea of drawing on the hand. Usually they are due to the affiliation of the person to certain professions.

Features of application

Technically, it is possible to make a tattoo on the hands. But they have a minimal thin layer of subcutaneous fat. Yes, and the number of nerve endings on them is quite large. Therefore, the process of tattooing the hands is moderately or fairly painful.

It all depends on the individual pain threshold. Of medical, physiological problems, this is probably the only one. But the question of the attitude of society to the fact of the tattoo on the hand, to its semantic content is very sensitive. But first, let's describe the main pros and cons of the brush tattoo. To the pluses, of course, includes the opportunity to:

  • Express your individuality, uniqueness
  • demonstration of their outlook
  • Show the openness of yourself, your actions
  • To observe the picture yourself in any environment and at any time.


The key disadvantage, apart from the painful application, is one - the easy readability of the tattoo in a public place. This is both a weakness and a strength.

If a person wants to assert himself, to demonstrate his chosen path in life, then the brush is the best place to apply a tattoo. Difficulties can arise in the case of a sudden, age or other reason for a change of outlook. Yes and to remove the tattoo is also difficult, not cheap and will require time.

The hand - where it's allowed and where it's not.

Under the category of prohibition or permission fall part of the hand only conditionally. Everyone decides for himself. The reason for this choice is purely pragmatic, rather than inspired by the opinion of society or the recommendation of medicine. The back side, including the phalanges of the fingers, is suitable for tattoos.

The open palm and wrist have a big bend, often the skin in these places is subjected to the formation of folds on it. This will lead to rapid abrasion of the previously applied tattoo. It can lose its color saturation as well. Tattoos on the hand should be treated with caution. Hands are the most frequently washed part of the body. Therefore only professionally executed tattoo will last a long time.

Choice of design

Yes, modern society is growing spiritually. Less and less often, tattoos are seen as a marker of criminality or disconnectedness from the world. But there is another unspoken rule against tattooing the brush. It is related only to the occupation of the person, his profession.

Public people, law enforcement officers, politicians, big businessmen try to avoid applying tattoos to the brush.

We repeat that the rule is unspoken. And here the choice of a subject of drawing, color composition of a tattoo on a brush has no prohibition. You can apply any image, their division into male and female is present, but not always observed.


  • flowers, leaves
  • bracelets, bows
  • geometrical signs
  • Hearts, sacred symbols, zodiac signs.


  • geometry, ornaments
  • Celtic, ancient Slavic symbols
  • amulets, Tibetan or Indian mandalas
  • wind rose, clock, compass.

There are many themes. They are often equally popular with men, women and girls. For example, the skull. Everyone puts into it their own meaning and significance. But they are all inherent in a common style - minimalism. Although modern ways to apply the tattoo and allow you to convey the finest detail pattern.

Often it is not only the drawing that counts, but the place where it is applied. Thus, the mouth of a predatory tiger spectacularly looks at the clenched man's fist. In fact, the fist and becomes the head of the tiger.

Everything depends on the level of tattoo-master, the complexity of the original drawing, photo, sketch, from the desire of the customer, the ability to improvise, compromise. Often the tattoo on the brush is not a separate image. It complements the figure or is included in the overall composition, applied from the neck to the brush. Such three-dimensional tattoos are popular on the palm and forearm at the same time.

If we look at the brush in detail, the open, outer phalanxes of the fingers allow for spectacular lettering, numbers, titles, names, slogans.

The choice of pattern colors for men is varied. But for women, it's probably worth combining with their favorite color of nail polish.

If with the subject of the drawing, color, place of the brush to sort out quite easily, then there is in such a tattoo one big difficulty. It is exclusively physical. The applied tattoo is not healed in one moment. The drawing has to settle down in its place. This can take from several days to two to three weeks. Therefore, it is better to do a brush tattoo while on vacation.

Sacrifice your ego if you have to choose between service, work, family opinion and a brush tattoo. Ideally, it's a compromise. After all, the hand is not the only part of the body suitable for tattoos. In all other cases, only follow the recommendations of professional body art masters.

Photo ideas of female and male tattoos

Advised to read

For girls

For men
