Tattoos with a falcon - the meaning for men and girls, the location (on the arm, chest, shoulder, forearm, back), spectacular sketches and photos

Tattoo with the image of a falcon is very popular with the male part of the visitors of tattoo salons. To make a beautiful drawing that helps to express individual character traits, you should not only choose a suitable sketch and find a place for its application on the body.

When choosing a photo with this bird of prey as a sketch for a tattoo, it is required to understand the meaning of such an image. It should be remembered that all tattoos carry an ideology expressed in the lines, colors and theme of the picture.

It is possible to apply the image with a falcon on certain parts of the body, so that the image of the bird looks spectacular and not deformed. Women can also do such a tattoo, if properly choose a picture. When applying such a tattoo, it is necessary to consult with the master of the tattoo salon.

What does the drawing of a falcon on the body mean

The falcon is found in many cultures of antiquity, from Ancient Egypt to the culture of North American Indians. This bird of prey has always been associated with qualities such as:

  • courage;
  • speed;
  • fury;
  • aggressiveness;
  • impetuosity.

The falcon has always symbolized in ancient times royal personages, heroes, warriors and people with outstanding qualities. Falconry from antiquity to the present day has always been the domain of kings and high-ranking nobles.

A falcon, like a hawk, can mean different qualities of a person, carry in its image on the body different ideology. To choose a good picture that does not carry negativity, you should understand the meaning of the image.

Falcon is a medium-sized bird of prey with a bold character. At the same time, it can be tamed and use its uncommon for a bird intellectual abilities while hunting. All these qualities of the falcon were known to humans for a long time; many peoples and tribes made it their totem.

The image of a falcon on the body can have different meanings:

  • independent character;
  • courage;
  • responsibility for one's actions and deeds;
  • a high intellectual level;
  • desire for freedom;
  • an inclination for enterprise and self-will;
  • loyalty and devotion.

A great role in the deciphering of such a tattoo and types of images. The sketch of a soaring falcon will suit a person who can anticipate the outcome of certain events. A diving feathered raptor will express the essence of a man striving to his goal. The figure of a feathered hunter sitting in a tree would be a symbol of people who are actively seeking a variety of opportunities.

You can choose a sketch with the head, which is carefully traced, or an image in which a representative of the falconer order is depicted in the moment of his hunting. There are many variants of ready-made sketches. It is necessary to choose the right size, composition and value of the picture, taking into account the gender of the person who stuffs himself with such a tattoo.

Also, it should be borne in mind that people who do not have at least part of those characteristics that are attributed to this feathered predator, it is better not to do such a tattoo. It has a strong energy in any form and will deliver a person a certain psychological discomfort.

What falcon tattoos are suitable for men

The drawing of a falcon on the body can become a talisman for a confident and strong man with a well-developed musculature. Such a complex tattoo is most suitable for men who feel warriors, who are not alien to the nobility, a sense of justice and the code of military honor.

Suitable tattoo of this type of charismatic leaders. Apply it to the shoulder, chest, back, or forearm. Often such people have to face serious dangers in life. An image of a falcon on the body will be a kind of amulet. Feedback from those who have done such a tattoo confirms that it has a strong energy, if you choose the right tattoo with such themes.

What is suitable for women

It is traditionally considered that the falcon is a male symbol, but women will also be able to pick up options for themselves ready-made sketches from the catalogs of the salons. Suitable for such a tattoo energetic and courageous girls with a beautiful physique, who are ready to compete with men. Such a symbol of freedom and independence is suitable for a young woman with a strong and independent character, who strives for success and appreciates herself.

For girls, it is better to choose a tattoo of medium size. Effectively look fantasy images, which have a carefully traced head of a bird of prey in combination with a floral design or tree leaves. The image should not be too big, like a man's. It is necessary to choose pictures that in addition to the strengths of character will indicate that the tattoo belongs to a woman.

Features of application

The appearance of the falcon is aggressive and dynamic, it has a bright coloring of feathers, has a willful character, tenacious claws and a predatory beak. Falling as a rock from a great height, this bird of prey precisely dives at its prey. A tame falcon that is used in falconry,

A falcon tattoo is very expensive, as it requires the master to carefully draw out the details. Most often it is a large or medium-sized image, which also increases the labor intensity of padding.

Large sketches should be printed on large parts of the body:

  • chest;
  • back;
  • shoulder.

Otherwise it is impossible to convey the fullness of the chosen sketch. On the chest or back, men can carve a soaring falcon. The shoulder and forearm are suitable for sketches of the head of a bird of prey. An experienced master tattoo parlor will help a man or woman correctly choose a suitable shape of the image and the place of its application.

Photo of chipped tattoo ideas

Advised to read

For girls

For men
